A Day in the Life at Fleurtations Day 17

  • Up well before the alarm.
  • Shower, ready, down to check emails, lots of orders and some ridiculous tale of gold bullion that needs investing and I have been picked out as the person they want to make rich.
  • Out to the van, todays CD The Felice Brothers second album, it's fantastic.
  • Flower market to collect some gorgeous 80cm best red roses plus a really interesting selection of tropical foliages, back to put the plants and tubs out.
  • Breakfast, order yet more chocolates including dark chocolate gingers and dark chocolate brazils, pay a few bills and off with the morning flower deliveries.
  • This turns out to be a really convoluted route with some being timed for arrival at opposite points of the compass and the rest retracing my footsteps or not on the map.
  • Finish at 15.35, get out of the van with a huge sigh.
  • Have to hurry because I'm going out tonight for a well earned beer and the fresh flower bouquets page needs reoptimising www.fleurtations.uk.com/flowers_nottingham_bouquets.asp
  • Cutting this fine but manage to quickly get changed and make it to the pub by 21.00, a couple of lovely beers, a "Robinson's" and a "Castle Rock" local brew.
  • Home to watch Match of the Day from the recorder, perfect, bed for 00.35.
