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The Arrival of the Jellycat 2010 Collection

The morning was heavy with the threat of rain when the delivery driver pulled up and off loaded twelve large boxes of brand new Jellycat, Jellykitten and Catseye accessories.
- The excitement was tangible, it was like little children at Christmas, ripping open the lids to catch a first glimpse of the new sock
- First out was the fabulous new Les Animals Le Mouse (seen opposite)
- This caused a bit of a stir with bets being laid as to how many we would sell by May (I said 200 I think Australia, Japan and France will take vertually all of them).
- Next out was the Fandangles and Fluffernutters, great names for soft toys.
- The different sizes added to the Cordy Roys including the huge Cordy Roy cat and croc plus the dashing Dachshund in a really nice blue created a real stir.
- The next box gave up it's secrets and out came the new Chimboo lion and monkey along with the Tickle Hare with his buddies Tickle monkey and mouse.
- It was the next box that really caused a commotion this contained the new Bashful Collectables these are going to be real collectors items coming in three initial designs Blackberry, Bonnie and Bubbles.
- The Truffles range witnessed another first class edition with the arrival of the Special Edition Terrier in two sizes.
- The Charismatic cats pounced onto the scene with three initial designs Catrin, Cara and Carys, there will almost certainly be additions to this range it's fab.
- The jellykitten boxes contained more fabulous new designs, we can't understand how they manage to keep coming up with so many interesting designs year in and year out, but they do, just look at this amazing range
- The Skidaddle Zebra musical pull is one of my favourites along with the Strawberry and Blueberry Kitty and Monkey rattles but the new Crochetta's and My First Baby range plus the new musical, noisy and activity toys make it a tough decision. The Bouncing Boing Giraffe and Musical Hoolaroo's are excellent but so are the Dotty Bunnies and Squeaky Moos.
- The website has been greatly extended to take all of these new designs, particularly the Jellykitten section which has a lot more categories.
- There is now over 95 pages on the site
- We think this is the best Jellycat site in the world see what you think.