For those of you still unfamiliar with Jellycat they are a London based company that design and manufacture the worlds whackiest, quality soft toys. Established in 1999 they quickly discovered a niche in the market for superbly designed, beautifully made, off the wall soft toys. This range was quickly followed by their Jellykitten baby safe designs including soothers, comforters, bibs, blankies, activity toys and books. The Catseye section of their catalogue has been rapidly expanded taking in placemats, clocks, zip purses, wallets, tape measures and radios. Catseye follow different themes such as snow horses, gnomes, jack russells, pigs, cows, sheep etc.
Each year a new set of designs, eagerly awaited by the various collectors around the world, is released, some of the existing designs are retired and occaisionally some old favourites are returned. A sneak preview of some of next years designs reveals that there are several brand new designs including Doowops, Sherbets, Fluffernutters, Millyboos and Fandangles. A welcome return to the Blossom bunnies plus the edition of a new Bashful Chocolate Bunny and a huge version of the ever popular Bashful Cream Bunny. There are new additions to the Bashful range including a Ladybird and Bee, another two additions to the Cordy Roy range with the introduction of a Duck and small Bunny and the Les Animals bunny has a new smaller brother. The Chimboos have a new cream and beige bunny and the Shushkies have an additional small lamb and bunny all of which will help to continue Jellycats global dominance of the quality soft toy market.
Our website currently has 85 pages of Jellycat designs http://www.fleurtations.uk.com/jellycat_1.asp with a search bar and automatically calculated delivery charges for International deliveries plus free UK delivery for every order over £10.00 we think that it is the best Jellycat site presently on the web, please judge for yourselves.