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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations Day 15
- Awake absolutely frozen, no need for the alarm, it's the first frost of the autumn and it's only October.
- Shiver out of bed, shower, ready, down to the shop, check emails, more Chinese and German junk mail plus five orders, open a blog from Errol, he's riding down the west coast of America on a Honda Goldwing, the expression "lucky b******d" comes to mind.
- Out to the van, it's frozen solid, have to scrape it clear of frost (don't you just love living in England.
- Todays CD is a lovely album by Eliza Gilikson.
- Flower market, no surprise, is frozen so it's a quick transfer of flowers to the van and back to the shop.
- Put the plants out and even they look really fed up.
- Breakfast, phone calls, cheques to write, recheck Google for position of the Pachamama page it's actually made it onto page one nationally, give myself a small pat on the back and off for the day.
- Flowers to the car showrooms, some deliveries and catch up on some maintenances.
- Back by 17.00, need to hurry with the early evening SEO because we have wangled some tickets in an executive box to see Katie Malua.
- More jellycat soft toys have arrived and a new page has been created there is so much more to put on the site even some of the 2009 catalogue has arrived and it all looks fabulous.
- Have to stop at 19.00 the bus goes at 19.15.
- Arrive at the concert and are shown to our box, now this is luxury, a waiter takes our order and brings olives and dips plus cold beers, the view is wonderful and katie Malua is actually rather good, the food and drinks are complimentary, the box is spacious and comfortable, it's a shame the concert has to finish but of course it does and it's back to the bus and a crowd of people.
- Home for 23.00 watch the amazing Arsenal/Tottenham match, good old Harry Rednapp.
- Bed for 24.30.