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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 4
- Alarm wakes me at 7.15, absolutely shattered, don't want to leave my nice warm bed.
- Shower, ready down to the shop to check emails
- Into the van, this mornings CD comes from "The Electric Magnolia Company" wonderful stuff
- Arrive at market need lots more winter pansy, viola, heathers, woodland cyclamen, belis daisy and wallflowers
- Back at the ranch very late it's 9.30
- Put out the new plants then breakfast
- Inland revenue still haven't paid, phone calls about Christmas trees, weblinks and Lechuza plant containers plus a quick chat with our business bank manager
- A busy morning with flowers to the car showrooms, delivering a threat of legal action to the Inland Revenue, collecting artificial Weeping fig from a church, starting the derby maintenance route
- Lunch in Ruddington
- Finish in Derby at 16.05 leave at a pace to miss rush hour
- Arrive back at 16.45
- Lap top open time for more Optimisation with christmas coming up there is a real sense of urgency to get all the new christmas cards and gifts online. this evening it's We sell hunderds of these.
- Finish by 19.30 and dash to the pub to meet friends and watch England v Belarus. Very tight first half but we come through to win 3-1
- Back to the laptop for more optimising (life seems to rotate a little too much around google page rank! At least I'm listening to music while I work.
- At 23.50 it's time to call it a day on the laptop, still have to phone in the orders for tomorrow and get ready for bed.
- Bed 12.15 set the alarm for 7.15am.