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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 18
Time flies and it's Sunday again, I used to love Sundays, no alarms, getting up late, reading the Times culture magazine, going to see the Jazz at the Lion, home for lunch, watch a good film in the afternoon and meet friends at the pub in the evening. But now it's work and more work, chasing the dream.- Shower, ready, breakfast (poached eggs on toast - delicious).
- Down to the shop, check emails and open up, the weathers disgusting - cold, raining and windy.
- Don't see a single customer for the first hour and in the second hour one person comes in and buys a greeting card for £1.75.
- In the quieter moments I'm busy with the laptop, optimising the hand tied flower bouquet page
- There's a sudden influx of customers and I'm making bouquets and taking orders like theres no tomorrow.
- 16.00 time to shut and have the long awaited Sunday lunch, it's delicious.
- Hurry everyone along because we are going to see the new Bond film, rush to the cinema, buy tickets, drinks and "goodies", run up the stairs, into screen one and......there's us and four other people!
- We pick cracking seats and settle back to watch the film, of course by the time the film actually starts the cinema is heaving.
- Excellent film, although I prefered the first one (as usual).
- Back home late, a quick supper and time for bed....exhausted.