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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 20
Awake early, it's going to be another busy day, a selection of tropical plants up to 1.8 metres are arriving from Holland this morning.- Shower, ready, check emails, lots of Jellycat and Russ Berrie orders plus the usual junk, must put a blocker on some of the foriegn rubbish.
- Out to the van, todays CD comes from REM "Around the Sun" which has some cracking songs.
- Flower market and back in 30 minutes, pretty good.
- Finish putting the plants out just in time for the arrival of the new tropical plants, it's a fabulous selection of taller Dracaena Massangeana and Deremensis plus lots of flowering plants like the Guzmanias pictured with great value Kalanchoes, African Violets, Phalaenopsis and Begonias.
- Have to hurry now, there's a full days maintenances to do.
- Back into the van and off, don't quite get the whole route done so it has to be carried over till tomorrow, finish at 17.20, back before 18.00 and open the laptop to optimise the flowering plants page have to hurry it's bonfire night and I've promised everyone a fire.
- Unfortunately it's been raining all day and the wood is absolutely soaked. the fire is postponed but we go ahead with the burgers and food.
- Eat way to much, wash it down with a glass of wine and retire to watch the TV, work can wait.
- Bed for 01.30 which is totally nuts but hey it was a good night.