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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 21

- Up late, struggle to get out of bed (you know the feeling, the beds so warm and the world's so cold and insensitive).
- Drag myself to the shower, ready, down to look at emails, there's the usual offers guaranteeing you top spot on Google for any keyword, if it's that easy why isn't the writer a multi millionaire?
- Out to the van, todays CD is by John Dee Graham "Horray for the Moon".
- Flower market for a selection of tropical flowers, Anthurium, Strelitzia, Gingers, Orchids and Leucaspermum, they should make an interesting display along with everything else.
- Back to put out the plants, breakfast, finances, phone calls and chase up the broken links to the site, time for SEO, the flower arrangement page is in need of attention the Anthurium arrangement is our most popular display.
- Have to plant up two live troughs for the front of a stage, plus finish off the derby maintenances, it's going to be interesting!
- Install the troughs and fresh flower displays with minutes to spare, off to Derby and manage to finish the route but it takes an eternity to get home, traffic is horrendous.
- Rush in, get changed and straight out, football match at 19.00.
- Not a bad game, we win 3-0, not quite as fluent as I would have liked.
- Aah the pub, at last, a pint of Bombadier a cheese sandwich and some good company, things are looking up.
- Home for 21.30, shower, watch a little TV and bed, exhausted but a good day.