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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 24
Sunday means no alarm and the hint of a "lie in".- 8.15 up and making a nice cup of tea, music goes on, Peter Greens last album, two or three lovely songs.
- Breakfast, down to check emails, open the shop for 10.00, not a soul about, weather hasn't quite made it's mind up.
- Two deliveries to take out and some more photographing, time really flies by, chat with a few customers, price the new continental chocolates, even have time for a little SEO, the Russ Berrie page has been revamped, some old favourites have gone and a selection of new lines have arrived including Nina, a lovely white bear plus Desmond, Dixon and Tyler and some Christmas bears, all to be found at
- The shop door blows open and the rain is relentless, time to close.
- Lunch is delicious, Errol is back from his sojourn to the west coast of the United States and he amuses us with traveling tales until the toot of a car horn reminds me that I'm being picked up and have the luxury of being driven to the pub, quick change and rush down the stairs and off.
- The pub is remarkably busy but we find a cosy seat and sit back with a cracking pint of beer from the Leeds brewery, soon putting the world to rights, from Gordon Browns sense of timing, and as we know "timing is everything", to a world without Yellowstone National Park, the frailties of Arsenals back four and the obsurdities people employ in conversation to sound worldly wise and intense (not like us at all by this point).
- Back late, creep into the house and up the stairs making not a sound, at least that's how you percieve it at the time, you infact sound like a herd of water buffalo who've just discovered that they're the main course at the evenings crocodile dinner and dance.
- Cleaning your teeth seems to take an eternity, trip over a trail of clothes, curse whoever left them there only to realise it was you several seconds earlier, stumble into bed, sound asleep in an instant.