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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 25
Up for 7.30 (never heard the alarm must be Gremlins about)- Shower, ready, down to check on emails, nothing exciting.
- Out to the van, todays CD The Eels "Souljacker" a masterpiece.
- Spend way to long at the flower market discussing the state of the economy and how it will effect Christmas tree sales, a little sad but necessary.
- Arrive back to put the front out, breakfast, phonecalls, the Belgian chocolates need ordering for Christmas. It's taken us nearly 10 years of trying to find a really excellent supplier and at last we have found one but more about that when the chocolates arrive.
- Back to the van for the business deliveries plus some maintenances, manage to finish early which is just as well because the Pachamama knitwear page has been revamped the new jackets have been included as well as the fingerless gloves (pictured). I actually have a striped grey pair and I can honestly say that they are the best fingerless gloves I have ever owned. They are comfortable, extremely warm and have lasted three years and still look like new.
- A quick change and off to the match, we win 9-8, Samuel scores 4 goals!
- Back for more SEO finishing at 01.20, life seems really hard at the minute but it's actually interesting to see just how far you can push yourself before something gives. I was having this conversation with a friend of mine, teaching in Saudi, who was pondering whether he could take on some additional teaching but was worried that he would be potentially taking his working week to a blistering 35 hours......I should have clobbered him.