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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations Day 29
I've had confirmation that my appeal against another speeding fine has been turned down and I'm currently fighting a fine for bus lane abuse, there is now a "Big Brother" mentality existing in this country which I must say, I don't like.- Up, shower, ready, check emails, an order from Glasgow has been confirmed, plus orders from London, South Yorkshire and Middlesex, we are at last becoming a national company.
- Todays CD Otis Reading "Soul Ballads" great voice, some irresistable songs.
- Market, on the lookout for a new centre forward, back, plants out, breakfast, more ordering of Christmas stock, the problem this year is that you just don't know how busy it's going to be, so buying Christmas trees is going to be really interesting, you don't want to be left with lots of very expensive firewood.
- Full days maintenances, nothing exciting happens, back for 17.00.
- Todays project the baby boy flowers, toys and baby safe gifts section, this covers two webpages and has everything from fresh flower baskets with soft toy (pictured), to soothers, bibs, cards, balloons and blankets all located at some of the soft toys are even musical.
- By the time this is finished plus some more SEO on Jellycat pages it's nudging 22.00, time for a pint, a new Wetherspoons has opened and although I'm not a huge fan of multiple screens, gaming machines and gangs of young dudes unable to stand up, my curiosity gets the better of me, it's 6 deep at the bar and absolutely heaving, time for a quick exit so we slope next door for a couple of lovely pints of "Tiger".
- After a lengthy discussion about the meaning of the word "family", the extended family and just how far do you go to protect it (the wild dogs of South Africa have it totally sorted, no misplaced aggression, a pecking order based on age and experience, and a willingness to put your life on the line for the good of the pack, no matter what), it's time to meander home.
- Straight to bed.