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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 31
- The additional Belgian chocolates
are coming today. - Get up to the sound of smashing glass, you know that feeling when panic pervades your first waking moments, up like a flash, over to the window only to discover it's the glass collection lorry emptying the recycling bin.
- Down to check emails, more jellycat orders, this is becoming exciting.
- Out to the van, todays CD comes from a Canadian singer/songwriter called Ron Sexsmith (yes, it is isn't it) the album is "Cobblestone Runway" featuring "Gold in them hills" a truely wonderful album.
- Back from the flower market to find that the new Belgian chocolates have arrived as promised, 27 new varieties, let the tasting commence!
- Quickly put the plants out, breakfast and straight down to start photographing the new chocolates, the "gin and damson milk chocolate truffle" pulls ahead in the taste stakes, nudging out the "Havana rum ganache with raisin" and the "cointreau dark chocolate truffle", but to be fair there isn't a bad one amongst them.
- Take the photographs into "photoshop" and download them onto a memory stick.
- Make up some more winter baskets and finish off the remaining maintenances.
- Back for 17.00, time to start on the new Belgian chocolates page found at the new photographs, one of which is pictured, look fantastic, particularly the mixed boxes.
- Finish at 19.40, time for the match, I'm really looking forward to this, things go well in the opening minutes we go 4-0 up, complacancy sets in and we tumble to a 14-10 defeat, return home very fed up, quick shower, watch a recorded CSI and off to bed.