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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 32
- Awake to the thought that this is going to be a really interesting day.
Shower, ready, check emails, off to the market.- Todays CD, Michael J. Sheehy "No Longer My Concern" featuring the wonderful "Distracting Yourself from the Doom", OK, it's a little cut throat, but still brilliant.
- Pick up the new plants including some wonderful cyclamen, large euyonymus, winter flowering pansy and primula, back to put the front out, the winter hanging baskets look great.
- Breakfast, check on the Cascadia order, phone Jellycat plus the usual phonecalls, into Photoshop to resize some Pachamama scarves and hats, transfer them onto a memory stick and out to pick up more compost.
- Took the ipod with me plus the connection for the van, the digital age is just fantastic, I play my ipod through the van radio plus vehicles driving close enough can even listen, free of charge, the system comes alive and starts playing "Smoke on the Water" Deep Purple.
- Drop the flower off at the showrooms, pick the compost up and end up, in the dark, at the Incinerator plant, everyone has gone home and I'm there alone, the "Blair Witch Project" has nothing on this.
- Very quickly empty the twelve summer bedding planters, refill with new compost and run for home.
- My life is usually "at a pace" but this evening actually puts me to the test, I have decided to optimise the funeral flowers section, yes, I know it fits in really well with todays themes.
- I honestly think that our funeral page section is the best in the entire country and it can be found at my favourite is the bespoke section which is truely unbeatable (see photo).
- Finish the optimising and race for the bus to arrive at the venue in good time.
- We advertise on the local radio station and because of this we get the chance to see all sorts of live acts, thanks to the lovely Claire, who often puts her neck on the block to look after her customers, tonight she has wangled us some tickets to the Duffy concert. I am not really a fan, in fact I've only heard two songs, but the place is packed.
- The bar is throbbing with young ladies who seem to have forgotten the niceties of decorum and grace and seem hell bent on extinguishing any lingering notion about equality, "look out bitch I'm coming through" is the new mantra!
- Duffy makes her entrance and to be fair she makes a pretty good job of it, the voice is solid, the band are tight, the lyrics leave a lot to be desired but hey, it's a good night and, rather surprisingly, I find myself smiling as she leaves the stage. Given some quality material, but that can be said of so many great female vocalists, Macy Grey, Aretha Franklin and Whitney Houston amongst them.
- Make our way to a real ale pub for a proper drink and to catch the end of the England match, late bus and home to bed. Goodnight.