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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 33
- Really need a good nights sleep, minimum 8 hours, accompanied by dreams of sunshine and lots of laughter, "Twas in another lifetime...."
- Crawl out of bed, shower, ready, check emails.
- Todays CD the amazing debut album by Tom Petty and the Heartbreakers, not a bad track on it, and what a great name for a band.
- Pick up lots more outdoor plants, there are two exterior jobs that need doing ahead of the blizzardous conditions forecast for the weekend.
- Put the plants, hanging baskets and tubs out on the front, leave Lez loading up the van with the required plants and compost, upstairs for breakfast, usual phonecalls and off.
- There are 17 outdoor planters to refurbish and the weather looks miserable, but with music playing any job seems bearable, 3 hours later jobs finished and we're off to Derby to squeeze in some interior maintenances, it's a bit of a rush and we finish bang on rush hour, traffic jams here we come.
- Arrive back around 18.00, have a look at our position on Google for Jellycat, not bad, although with Google doing "personnal search" it's far more difficult to get an accurate picture of where you actually lie, apart from studying Google Analytics or asking a friend or even a "random guy" to check out your site on his or her computer
. - Tonights SEO centres on the cracking range of small gift boxes, particularly the jewellery boxes, these can be found at which start at a ridiculous 45pence.
- Lots of work still needs doing on the website to attempt to propel it to the top of the listings, if Google really was interested purely in content then it would already be there, but alas, the 200 or so criterias for the Googlebot algorithm make that impossible, while it worries about being decieved it misses great content and puts utter dross in it's place, how can that be right for the "user experience"? (bitter, me, never), time for bed.