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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 34
- Christmas is only a few weeks away and to tell you the truth I can't wait, I haven't had a single day off since last new years day, so much for being self employed
! - Up, ready and out in record time, don't even check the emails (am I ill?)
- Todays CD is "Who's Next" by The Who with the amazing versions of "Won't get fooled again" and "Baba O'Riley".
- The Chinese have stopped buying waste paper and cardboard from the UK because the USA have stopped buying Chinese merchandise, so the cardboard waste container at the market has vanished, which means that I will have to burn all of our surplus cardboard and hence give off more CO2 which adds to global warming, which the USA has pledged to reduce, don't you just love global interactions!
- Arrive back, plants out, breakfast, off to catch up on the Mansfield maintenances, swing west to hit the motorway and off to East Midlands Airport to drop off a gorgeous mixed tropical arrangement, back to the motorway for the short trip to Loughborough.
- Meet an old football friend during lunch and spend some time catching up, back to work, mealy bug is causing me a few problems.
- Finish the maintenance job and attempt to beat rush hour, no such luck. takes about an hour to arrive home, at which point out comes the laptop and the Gund Christmas toys (pictured) come under the microscope, two new pages have been created at and I took all the new photographs over the weekend and I must say they came out really well, they include a range of story telling bears and singing penguins and a lovely teddy section.
- This takes me most of the evening, I am eventually tempted away by the offer of a glass of champagne, it must be my birthday, apparantly we have been given some to try with the view to selling it.
- One bottle later and it's gone straight to my head, it was absolutely delicious, can't wait to start selling it, but a lot of things need sorting out before that time comes, time for bed.