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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 35
Petrol is down below 90 pence a litre, and in my books that's time for a celebration, the ability to reason good news (no matter how insignificant) is absolutely essential to my philosophy, the "cognitive thought" debate stops me from assuming that everything on the planet percieves good news, although dung beatles must jump for joy and throw a huge party when the elephant troop drops into town.- Wake early, shower, ready, check emails, out to the van.
- Todays CD comes from Radiohead "OK Computer" which gives "The Bends" a good run for it's money.
- Flower market to hear that Christmas trees have gone through the roof and Christmas stands are not even being discussed because they are so much money, I don't understrand how these two items can fly in the face of public opinion and expect to be sold in any great numbers.
- Back, put the front out, breakfast, phonecalls, some tweaking of several webpages, off to do a maintenance run.
- Finish relatively early and arrive back before 17.00.
- Out comes the laptop and it's time for an evening of SEO, tonights topic is the baby girl flower, gifts and cards page located at lots more gifts have been added, including the baby safe section, with toys, bibs, soothers, blankets and money boxes (these days they have to start saving early university isn't far away).
- I work until 24.00, no trip to the pub tonight I'm trying to cut down a little. Time for bed.