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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 36
A day in which all of the old webpage titles on our site are being turned off, (slight apprehension as to how Google will respond), VAT is roumoured to be coming down to 15% and the first snow arrives.- Wake up very late, there's only 15 minutes before the shop opens and I'm still in my pyjamas.
- Dash downstairs just in time to take the first call of the day, can we make a planted basket for collection in the morning, of course we can.
- Put the plants out, it's freezing and a dusting of snow covers the forecourt (this is going to be a quiet one).
- How wrong can you be there is a steady trickle of people buying a multitude of things from dark chocolate gingers to dozen red roses, candle holders, golden wedding anniversary cards and planted indoor baskets.
- In between customers I make myself useful by commenting on SEO issues with webmasters in the USA, it's great to be able to offload your opinions and observations, you even get a back link.
- Shut the shop, lunch, watch the end of "Hero" and the recorded "Match of the Day". Arsenal are having a torrid time.
- Time for todays SEO, out comes the laptop and the gift packages section located at comes under scutiny. These gift packages are a wonderful idea, particularly if you are short of time, because the whole buying process is simplified, you only click once to buy several items that go together perfectly. For example, you could buy a beautiful fresh flower bouquet with a card (your personal message goes inside), chocolates of your choice, a teddy bear or other soft toy and maybe a scented candle or jewellery box depending upon which option you choose. These are then delivered with one delivery charge at the same time (men should love this).
- Finish late, listen to a few tracks from the debut Po' Girl album (one of the members coming from "The Be Good Tanyas" who I last saw live at the "south by south west festival" in Austin, Texas. How's that for a bit of name dropping!
- Time for bed.