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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations Day 39
A day when there isn't even enough time for a nervous breakdown.- Wake at 02.30, lie there for an hour thinking about all the things I haven't done yet in preparation for Christmas, finally get up, start writing them out, at page four, give up, back to bed, lie there for another hour before drifting back to sleep, alarm goes off, stagger out of bed.
- Phone market to check on 7ft non drop Christmas tree for local school, find out my flower order has gone to Spondon by mistake.
- Phone Barbara about next weeks library installation date to find it's this morning at 10.00 (1 hour and twenty minutes away) Oh my God, it's twenty miles away and not planted up yet.
- Load van at speed of a racing bullet and rush off to the libraries grand opening, arrive 9 minutes to spare with the possibility of 10 speeding tickets.
- Everyone loves the displays and I rush off before the dignitaries arrive.
- Arrive back, load up hanging baskets for delivery, pick up large silk plants from hire job, back, off to the dentist to sort out my poor tooth, it exploded eating a french stick.
- Arrive back, order the new scented candles, all 53 fragrances, for a Christmas special, contact to web companies to report broken links.
- Load up hand tied bouquets for delivery to Ravenshead and Mansfield plus replacement plants for an interior landscaping job.
- Start the maintenance day around 14.30, finish 16.30, it's a short day.
- Still have to collect an outdoor displays that we hired the library for the day and deliver the hand tied bouquets, it's dark, raining and rush hour.
- Arrive home at 18.30, very tired and fedup.
- Start the evenings SEO, tonight it's the timely revamp of the Christmas index page which contains 20 sections covering Christmas trees, holly wreaths and crosses, Christmas cards for friends and relations plus box sets, Christmas pudding Belgian chocolates and finest continentals in dark and milk chocolate also Jellycat Christmas toys and gifts, Gund soft toys and Russ Berrie bears. There's also a huge new range of scented candles, whacky bags, cascadia hand painted glassware and jewellery (a fabulous piece is pictured) These can all be found at there's something for everyone.
- Finish at 22.00, totally exhausted, but I fear the worst is still to come, the sound of a bottle of stella being opened is like winning the lottery, off to watch a recorded CSI and then straight to bed.