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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations Day 41

- Wow it's the day the new range of scented candles arrive.
- The list of things to do is so long I almost don't want to get up.
- Shower, ready, check emails, out to the van.
- Todays CD is a classic B.B. King album "Love me Tender"
featuring "One of those nights" and "Time is a thief" plus the classic "A world I never made", everyone should own a copy of this. - Market, back, plants out, breakfast, lots of bills to pay including the dreaded VAT.
- Work out the finances for the next three weeks, next week is the proverbial week from hell!
- More phonecalls, Inland Revenue, suppliers, search engines, bank.
- Off to deliver Andy's revamped 16" baskets, up the ladder to discover Wendy has made two more 14" baskets like the ones he already has, back down the ladder and back to change them over.
- Two more Cubico planters going out with 7ft artificial bamboo, very impressive.
- Take out sample Belgian chocolates to a very good customer, plus a box of dark chocolate brazils and gingers, she orders a large box of belgian truffles and buys the brazils and gingers there and then.
- Deliver bank information to the local radio station for the Valentines and Mothers day campaigns.
- Maintenances, back, answer emails and unpack the new scented candles, there's some great titles like snowflake, new car, gold frankincense, heather and wild berries, wild orchids and spicy satsuma. Takes a while to unpack all four boxes but they make a fantastic display. I still can't believe that they burn for 60 hours!
- Tonights SEO, yes you guessed it, scented candles located at there are now 53 fragrances taking up two pages, we are going to introduce a Christmas special with fresh flower hand tied bouquet, chocolates and scented candle for 25.00 pounds, it's an absolute bargain!
- Time to finish off the evening looking at the Jellycat pricing, a beer softens the feeling that my life is all about work and no play.
- 24.00, time for bed.