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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 42
Had to go to a birthday party last night so this entry is being written in the "Tardis" from where I shall nip back and slot it into the correct time slot.- Jump out of bed early lots to do, shower, ready, check emails.
- Off to deliver weddings, take car showroom flowers, market, back, put plants out.
- Breakfast, check website, urgent delivery for Andy, he's getting married today, deliver fabulous red rose handtied with all the trimmings, take out rest of mornings deliveries.
- Rendezvous at Kim's to give her the outline plan for the new Jellycat page, lots of good ideas are bounced around, finally decide to have a seperate site for Jellycat which we will implement in the new year, the site is getting a revamp in the meantime.
- Back to start the huge clearance job, burning the old Christmas trees, (a source of much joviality on the avenue), emptying containers, stacking fibre glass, consolidating trolleys.
- Surprisingly, for the height of the flames, we do not get a visit from the local firebrigade (our last one was supported by a visit from both fire and police departments).
- Have to leave the fire for awhile and do some quick SEO on the baby girl gifts and soft toys page found at this includes jellycat baby safe toys, bibs (pictured), soothers, comforters, musical toys, bunny chimes and teethers. There are two whole pages dedicated to baby girl gifts with some wonderful choices.
- Have to dash back to stop the fire from burning down the sheds, quickly finish off for the day, shower (the smell of smoke permeates everything I'm wearing as well as the house).
- Luckily get a lift to the pub to meet Phil for his 51st birthday, it's a lovely evening chatting about music, football, good beer, Thailand and Omar Sharif (don't ask).
- Arrive home very late and slightly the worse for wear, drop into bed with a smile on my face.