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A Day in the Life at Fleurtations day 47
A great leap forward for Jellycat and Offices get festive.- Awake to find the snow hasn't arrived, yipee!
- Shower, ready, phone goes, it's the Dutch delivery driver, parked outside, "Where am I?"
- The poinsettias have arrived, all 16 boxes of them, help to unload, put the front out, together with the new board offering "Hand tied bouquet plus chocolates for £20.00"
- CD of the day is a cracking album by Tracy Chapman featuring "Talking about a revolution" and the wonderful "For my lover".
- Flower market, pick up more outdoor plants for the front, back, breakfast, sort out new "strapline" for local radio advert and jellycat needs some concerted effort, the page titles need altering, the Royal Mail emblem needs placing on the site to let people know their toys are delivered first class post to the UK mainland, the sections need enlarging and more stock photo's need uploading.
- Finish at 13.50, now in a real rush, still need to deliver Christmas trees to offices, pick up plants from a terminated job, luckily these have already been allocated elsewhere. and catch up on several maintenances.
- Finish with the cleaning staff at 18.30, dash back, tonights SEO is the revamped Jellycat pages, more options have been created, a Jellykitten section, more Catseye and search by design, there are now 19 pages of Jellycat soft toys and accessories, the Jellykitten can be found at this features soft toys, soothers, bibs, musical toys, comforters etc.
- Finish really late, time for bed.