Jellycat's Brand New Spring 2013 Designs Arrive Early

Well, what a week that was, Jellycat out of the blue released their new designs for Spring 2013. It caught us a little bit by surprise and suddenley it was all hands to the pumps in an effort to get the new designs out there before everyone else did. The disc arrived on Thursday, 15th, by the 17th we had created the new page with the new style banner that we feel,  gives the page a little more depth. By the 19th all of the new products were on Merchant Center so that they could appear in Shopping Results, today is the blog and tomorrow the press release, it's always a really hectic few days, hence the surprise when the disc turned up out of the blue!
The new designs concentrate on the Bashfuls, particularly adding to the Blossom Bunny Range but an odd whacky design has arrived as well like the gorgeous Kenny Cockerel, the super cute Bashful Grey Faced Lamb and the Dutch Bunny. For a full list, descriptions and more details of the new stock use the link above or go to the Jellycat Homepage where you can explore by design or animal.
If anyone had asked me what I would be doing with my life years down the road I would never in a million years have thought that I would have been talking about "super cute Bashful Grey Faced Lamb(s)" or "Fuddlewuddle Kittens" but that, I suppose, is the beauty of life, you never know where you'll end up. I was listening to an eminent physicist the other day hypothesising the possibility of the existence of muliple Universes, apparently there is evidence of gravitational pull being exerted on one side of our universe that can only be explained by the presence of another universe acting upon it. I don't know about you but I have enough problems coping with the infinities of this one. There is an article from 2010 that gives a reasonable explanation, if you fancy a look it can be found here:
and even though I love the jellycat designs, it certainly puts Fuddlewuddle into perspective!
